


11946 voters



In the by-election of Feb 1727, 11946 people voted. There were 2 candidates, with Cholmley Turner elected.

Poll book data from:
Holding: Sheffield Archives
Source: Jeremy Gibson and Colin Rogers (eds.), Poll Books, 1696–1872: A Directory of Holdings in Great Britain (4th edn., Bury, 2008); Information provided by Dr Edmund M. Green.

Timeline & Key Statistics

Contexts & Remarks

Dates: Feb. 1727.

Poll book reference: North Yorkshire RO, ZPB, Fitzwilliam (Malton) MSS, Microfilm 1446.

The poll sheet forms part of the Fitzwilliam family papers of Malton.

From 1710 to 1727, Yorkshire's seats were largely uncontested and held by Tory candidates. The by-election of 1727 was triggered by the death of Tory MP Sir Arthur Kaye in 1726.

Candidates: Sir Thomas Wentworth (Whig) and Sir John Lister Kaye (Tory).

Sir Thomas Watson Wentworth had previously served as MP for Malton, a borough controlled by the Wentworth family, from 1715 to 1727.

Sir John Lister Kaye of Woodsome ran to fill the seat left open by the death of his uncle.

The election upset the Tory majority, as Sir Thomas Wentworth was returned for the by-election months before the general election in August.

Poll Book

Below is a digitised version of the poll book for this election: